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✨ Harmonise Your Animal’s Energy for Greater Health and Happiness with the Animal Chakra Course ✨
Holistic Animal Wellness Specialist
Weaving together ancient healing wisdom and contemporary care for vibrant animal health and wellbeing.

Ruth Hatten
Sep 5, 20246 min read
How to Find Comfort and Spiritual Growth Through Pet Loss: Lessons from Animal Companions
Over the past few months, I've noticed a significant increase in the number of animals passing over. While I often work with animals who...

Ruth Hatten
Apr 9, 202412 min read
Natural Pet Diets - A Scientific Exploration
In this post, we look at a recently published review of natural pet foods,(1) ("the Paper") and dive deep into the benefits of feeding...

Ruth Hatten
Jan 19, 20243 min read
Gotu Kola - an ancient herb that has benefits for pets too
Gotu Kola (Centella asiatica) is an ancient herb of many wonders. Perhaps it's something that could support your animal's health and...

Ruth Hatten
Sep 15, 20234 min read
How Fear Impacts Our Animals & What We Can Do About It
Fear. It's an emotion that many of us are feeling, even if subconsciously we're not aware of it. Fear can manifest in our actions, our...

Ruth Hatten
May 1, 20233 min read
Does your pet need a detox?
There have been a number of studies over the years that point to the toxic pollution of pets, which might bring to your mind the question...

Ruth Hatten
Mar 1, 20232 min read
Chaga for Pets!
Chaga is known as the King of Mushrooms. Can it help your dog or cat? What is Chaga? Whilst often thought of as a mushroom, it actually...

Ruth Hatten
Jan 20, 20233 min read
Your Animal's Vital Force: How to help it flow
In this blog post: An exploration of the philosophical concept of Vital Force, its origination in ancient healing modalities, its...

Ruth Hatten
Nov 2, 20222 min read
Honour thy differences, thy similarities.
Musings on the differences between each of our animals, each of us, and how to manage it all. We’re not all the same, nor are our...

Ruth Hatten
Jul 9, 20224 min read
Are you done with western pet medicine?
What's wrong with western pet medicine? I recently spoke with a client about her cat and the numerous health issues that he's experienced...

Ruth Hatten
Mar 24, 20224 min read
Bonding with your pet: connecting at a soul level
Have you ever felt that you have a soul connection with your animal? That your bond runs deeper than the physical? Your feeling is...

Ruth Hatten
Mar 8, 20227 min read
Natural Solutions for Pet Allergies
Does your pet chronically itch? There's a good chance they have an allergy, or a sensitivity. Unfortunately, pets with allergies or...

Ruth Hatten
Feb 8, 20224 min read
Your animal's body is an ecosystem
Traditional cultures saw the body as an ecosystem or garden: rivers flowing through lymphatics and veins, mountains constructing bones,...

Ruth Hatten
Jun 18, 20215 min read
Your dog is not a doll (& neither is your cat)
Lessons in pet expenditure and pet health, with a little bit of financial advice thrown in! I'm always amazed by the range of pet...

Ruth Hatten
Apr 7, 20219 min read
Herbs for animals: how they work & how they can help
Herbs possess a myriad of healing benefits for animals and humans alike. When used correctly, they work gently within the body,...

Ruth Hatten
Feb 10, 20216 min read
Your Pet's Toxic Load: What It Is & Why It's Important
Plus, my top 5 tips for reducing your pet's toxic load! Your cat or dog is exposed to toxins every day. No matter how focussed you are on...

Ruth Hatten
Jan 26, 20215 min read
There's another way to care for animals: Part 2
The mainstream approach to caring for animals fails in many respects. I explain why in Part 1 of this 2-part blog series. Luckily, there...

Ruth Hatten
Jan 12, 20215 min read
There's another way to care for animals: Part 1
The mainstream approach to caring for animals fails in many respects. It is based on processed, unnatural foods and a band-aid approach...

Ruth Hatten
Dec 4, 20202 min read
The importance of enrichment in your pet's life
Enrichment is a super important part of ensuring that your animal has the healthiest and happiest life. What is enrichment and how can...

Ruth Hatten
Aug 4, 20206 min read
A red, itchy dog with chronic gut issues comes good!
A case study on Louis the Lab One of the things I love most about being an animal naturopath is getting results for my dog and cat...

Ruth Hatten
Apr 28, 20202 min read
The dangers of BPA for your pet
BPA in dog food cans can interfere with your dog’s hormones, according to a recent study. Many of us are aware about the potentially...

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